Welcome to Mainland Class of 1966 website. We hope that you find our site informative and easy to navigate. Please check back often to see what’s happening . . . especially on the Social Events page. Hope to see you at our future events.
Our Motto . . . Not only to exist, but to amount to something.
Our Flower . . . Yellow Rose
Our Colors . . . Blue and Gold
Poems by Joe Lee, Class of 66
CLASS of 66
We were young on a journey as young sticks
We were the class of 66
We took lessons from our teachers and each other and grew up quick
We were the class of 66
We found challenges, sadness and even horrors of war that we could not fix
We are the class of 66
Through the loss of classmates, husbands, wives, children and friends
We still continue to stay together and gather and mix
We are the class of 66
Thru it all we became mature classmates and friends
Like a strong tree instead of young branches and sticks
We are and will remain
Mainland the Class of 66
To the dear old Blue and Gold
You taught us well
You set us on a path to achieve our goals
To the dear old blue and gold
You gave us the knowledge to take us from our youth to young adults and make us whole
To the dear old Blue and Gold
You helped us to deal with our weaknesses and solve our problems when at times we felt we were lost and in the cold
To the dear old Blue and Gold
You helped us to go out into the future to face our adversities with steadfastness and determination and no matter our fears to stand tall and bold
To the dear old Blue and Gold
We thank you for the ability you gave us to always strive, learn, share, respect and care for each other
We thank you for all you gave us
Dear old Blue and Gold